Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Healthiest thing to Eat at the Movie Theater...

The healthiest thing to consume at the movie theater seems to be….bottled water. My mom and I have been anxiously awaiting the opening of the movie “The Help.” We both read the book and loved it, and have been really excited about going to see the movie. But I remember that when we went to the movies on this past Sunday to see "Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” my mom really wanted some popcorn. Sidenote: She is trying to lose some weight, so in accordance with the dietary rules I had given her, she knew she couldn’t have any popcorn. Fortunately, we had stopped at the store previously and purchased some healthier snacks to consume during the movie (I’m not advocating breaking the rules, I’m just telling a story…lol).
            Nonetheless, when we go see the movie “The Help,” again it will be a struggle to see that popcorn, in that big ol’ box, with all that yellow butter, glistening, and not be able to eat any of it…for my mother at least. So in thinking about the popcorn and other foods at the movie theater, I begin to wonder, “what is the healthiest thing to eat at the movie theater?” After research, I came to the conclusion of…bottled water.
Here are some facts:

-The larger popcorn, and nachos are each over 1000 calories.
-Most of the candy is between 500-800 calories, and if it is under 500 calories, it is too high in fat, or too high in sugar.
-Any drink over a large drink will be more than 300 calories.
-A hot dog is about 300 calories (but who wants to eat a hot-dog full of meat filler stuffed into a casing!).
            So what is your best bet? Water. Bottled water. But if the allure to get something is too much for you, my advice to you would be to buy one thing and share it with the people you came with. That way, you don’t over consume calories. Portion control may be the best bet for most of us who have to at least have a taste of that buttery, fattening popcorn. But let me say this: Popcorn, in itself, is not bad for you. It is packed with fiber, and is a great whole grain. It is what they put on the popcorn, and then the amount that is given to you that makes it unhealthy for us. So again, I say, if you CAN’T beat the craving, split it. If you CAN beat the craving, enjoy your bottled water! That’s all I have for today. Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. WOW! No more popcorn for me. The other stuff I can't afford. I really can't afford the popcorn after paying close to $20 for my wife and I to get in. Lol... On a serious note, thanks for passing on this information. Go Win!
