Monday, October 24, 2011


I’m back. It has been a couple of months since I have blogged. I have missed it. But I have been traveling to California for the last couple of months to do nutrition and health seminars and…no excuses…I just didn’t blog. But what I did do while I was out of town a lot is … I ate a lot of new foods….and I enjoyed it! (didn’t enjoy the extra pounds though). Now I will not tell you that I always made healthy choices, but I did always try to INCLUDE a healthy choice in whatever I ate.
For the next few weeks, I plan to give you a glimpse of some of the food I encountered. Most will probably not be new to you, but I hope to elaborate on some of the nutrients that are present (or not present) in some of the foods that I ate. I also will have pictures of the food!!! (exciting)
So today, let’s take a trip to Sacramento, CA to the all familiar restaurant MiMi’s Café. I love this place. And while I was in Sacramento, I ate there like everyday. One of my favorite entrees was the Filet of Soul. It was a light white fish, with mixed vegetables (squash, zucchini, and broccoli) on the side. (There was some sort of cream they put on top of the fish, but I scraped it off.)
So let’s break down the meal:
I had a lovely sautéed white fish that was approximately 250 calories or so. It was said to have about 9 grams of fat, but I would charge that to the oil that was used to cook it and not coming mostly from the fish itself as most are low in calories and fat.
My mixed vegetables included squash, zucchini, spinach, and broccoli. These vegetables are virtually fat free (unless cooked in some sort of oil), and are low in calories (the medley had to be under 100 or so calories). In addition, all these vegetables are a great source of phytochemicals which have cancer fighting properties (we will talk more about phytochemicals as the weeks go by).
So this meal was most likely less than 400 calories. I had water with lemon to drink, so that was an added 0 calories. Incidently, I had this meal at least 4 times while in Sacramento. I believe it was a great healthy choice.
Key Point for today: At least one meal a day, or every other day should include fish and vegetables (no bread included). In this way, you are automatically limiting calories and fat, and increasing vital nutrients your body needs.
That is all I have for today. Until later…
-Jenelle Robinson

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