Thursday, July 14, 2011

#1 Killer of the American People

Good morning! This hour, I am up grading papers and putting grades in for a few of the classes I teach online. One of the classes I teach concerns eating Whole Foods. I love the material I am teaching, though I don’t agree with all of it. But we mainly discuss the various benefits of eating whole foods versus processed foods. It reminds me of a poem I wrote years ago. I’d like to share it with you…

Americans are dying
And if they are not dying, they are living in suffering
and the blame is always put on something else.

Some say its multiple murder and violence
rapidly increasing while we collectively stay silent.

Some say its cancers and AIDS
causing our physical and mental degradation
Ultimately annihilating a mass number
of the American population.

Some say its suicidal habits and stress,
Heart attacks, strokes, or the government’s neglect.

Unintentional injuries, trauma and natural disasters,
All of these are blamed for eliminating us faster.

Maybe some of all of this is correct.
Maybe some of all of this is killing us.

But my personal belief
My personal educated belief
is that the #1 killer of the minds and bodies
of the American people is…

Triple quarter pounders with cheese.

Oh yes, but also
Super-sized french fries from Micky D’s,
Churches 3 piece,
Pizza Hut meat lover’s with double cheese,
Sonic’s extra long cheese coney with extra chili please
and the total is heart disease.

Take 2 Taco Bell burritos if it’s late,
KFC’s thigh and drumstick fried never baked,
Panda’s shrimp fried rice covering the whole plate,
Shakey’s 22 oz cookies and cream milkshake,
 and a little bitty Debbie’s chocolate cake
and obesity becomes your mate.

But let’s think,
what is the connection
that produces our food selection?

We start on farms where some cows are fed dead animals
instead of grain and grass
they’re pumped with antibiotics, we eat this beef
and for some reason our health is failing fast.

We crowd and cage chickens in dirty pens
surrounded by their own mess
some are pumped with antibiotics
some with steroids
possibly to make the manufacturers burden less
But this food and chemicals, can our bodies effectively digest?

We drink diet cokes
with suspected tumor causing aspartame
And sodium nitrite preserved dinners
with hidden cancer claims.

We have high fructose corn syrup
in every can, cereal, package and box
Massive meat fillers, salmonella and e-coli killers
and expired food left in stock.

What the heck are we eating??!!!

All the food additives,
 red dye number 40
yellow dye number 5 and 6
We have fruit and veggies pumped with chemicals
to give them color an off season has missed.

I could go on and on about this, but you get the pic.
The truth is:

What goes in to the body is not what defiles a man
but what comes out. 
But if nothing is coming out on a regular basis,
what went in is killing him.

Our people perish from lack of knowledge.
You have now been educated. 

Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Proverbs 12:1(NKJV)

I call this NUTROETRY. Yeah….I like that term. Remember where you heard it first. I believe you will continue to hear NUTROETRY from me. Let me go ahead and copyright it while I’m at it (NUTROETRY (phrase copyrighted by Jenelle N. Robinson 2011)). If you haven’t caught on by now, I am a little silly….but back to the topic…what did you think of my nutroem (nutrition and poem mixed together)? Makes you frustrated too, eh? Yep. But we continue to buy into the lie.

With that aside, here’s some advice to you to help you live longer with less disability and illness: increase the vibrant colors (red, purple, dark green, etc.), which are usually received from fruits and vegetables. Decrease the bland colors (white, beige, brown), which may most often be received from things like nachos, french fries, hamburgers, etc. I know you have heard it so many times before, but fruits and vegetables are where more life is….we will talk about that on another blog…until then!


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