Thursday, July 21, 2011

Always on a diet...

I have been on many diets in my life. Heck, I am on one right now. Well, really, I am not dieting, so much as I am trying to make a sustaining lifestyle change (as I have tried numerous times before).

What I have learned about diets, also known as “weight loss programs” is that they all do the same thing: provide your body with less calories. They have different ways of doing it, but it is all the same.  Low calories. So you have to utilize the program that works for your body. In reality, most weight-loss programs are only selling creative ideas that really just encompass low calories. So if you would like to save money on these types of programs, decrease your calories, and you will definitely lose weight. But if you need something more structured, a weight loss program might be right for you.

Two programs in particular that I have tried are the Weight Watchers Program, and the Fat Smash Diet. The all familiar Weight Watchers Program (that Jennifer Hudson is so proudly advertising with her awesome new body) operates on a point system; where your food is valued as some point, and you receive a certain amount of points per day. Though I haven’t done this program in years, I thought it was a great program. I lost weight, however, at the meetings they had (weekly meetings of individuals who also have weight loss goals), I never really connected with any of the members, though the meetings did provide some great information. Since I haven’t done this program in a while, I have heard that multiple things have changed to make it a healthier program. The original problem with the program was that a person could eat mostly junk, as long as they stayed within the required points. One of the new changes I have heard that they have is emphasis on eating more fruits and vegetables, which are no longer counted (free foods!).

The other “diet” I have tried and had great success (loss about 17 lbs in a couple of months), was Dr. Ian’s Fat Smash Diet. I loved this diet. But it was a challenge as it starts off with a very strict detox for 9 days and then slowly progresses, adding in certain meats and carbohydrates. I love the fact that Dr. Ian emphasizes the mental aspect of weight loss and living healthier, which is often not found in many weight loss programs. In addition, great recipes are given in this book to help you along the way of your “weight loss journey.”

Am I in favor or diets? No. But some people have to start on one in order to lose weight, see results, and decide to incorporate healthy lifestyle practices into their lives. For me especially, it would always help me to jumpstart healthy living. It was the maintenance that I always had a problem with…which is why I regard addressing the mental and emotional as so important with weight loss or just healthy living efforts. I think I will address mental and emotional tie-ins within another post. Talk to you later!


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